Major income opportunity with 6-figure formula - easy & quick!

This is the 7th episode of the podcast/youtube WOW Lifeboat Freedom (Wellness Offers Wealth). Episode 7 names all initial 8 WOW companies to choose from. It tells a single site to find information about all of them as well as the naming convention for any given company's "15 Minutes to Freedom" video series. For each company, it tells years in business, # of countries, # of YESes or thumbs up to the video system with the 14-day timing, and wholesale costs the 1st month and subsequent months. This concise recap can help point you at the WOW Lifeboat company you probably want to start with or share with someone else.   Here are Julie Phillips, CNHP's 2 weekly podcasts:

1) The Fasting Podcast WOW (Wellness & Optimal Weight)

2) WOW Lifeboat Freedom (Wellness Offers Wealth) - this one

Get back with the person that referred you but if none, email [email protected] with questions or interest in participating in the video system or being a customer.

Website for choices of multiple technologies to choose from:

This weekly podcast/youtube is scheduled for early Wednesday mornings, the day after the educational podcast above, with episodes usually 5 minutes long.