Major income opportunity with 6-figure formula - easy & quick!

This is the 5th episode of the podcast/youtube WOW Lifeboat Freedom (Wellness Offers Wealth). Episode 5 explains who can and cannot partake in the WOW Lifeboat Freedom video system. It gives the requirements and also what attributes would make a good prospect for a committed partner to the program including the 14-day timing.    Here are Julie Phillips, CNHP's 2 weekly podcasts:

1) The Fasting Podcast WOW (Wellness & Optimal Weight)

2) WOW Lifeboat Freedom (Wellness Offers Wealth) - this one

Get back with the person that referred you but if none, email [email protected] with questions or interest in participating in the video system or being a customer.

Website for choices of multiple technologies to choose from:

This weekly podcast/youtube is scheduled for early Wednesday mornings, the day after the educational podcast above, with episodes usually 5 minutes long.