Episode 19 lays out a simple 3-step plan to achieve wellness, optimal weight and wealth (WOWW). Learning about the fast and natural eating approach, along with 2 optional tools (WOW homeopathic drops) and WOW digestive & gut blend) only takes 28 minutes watching an expert doctor video. Spend another 15 minutes watching the business video system (WOW Lifeboat Freedom) for either one of the optional tools. Select one, commit, and execute the 28-day plan - with a feasible goal of 6 figures for the first year.

Get back with the person that referred you but if none, email [email protected] with questions or interest in participating in the video system or being a customer.

Website for choices of multiple technologies to choose from: www.LifeboatFreedomOptions.com

This weekly podcast/youtube is scheduled for early Wednesday mornings, the day after the educational podcast above, with episodes usually 5 minutes long. Slides are stored in the iTunes podcast bonus info or available on request from Julie via email above.