Previous Episode: S6E13 – Albert Worseker

[CW: Discussions of child/sexual abuse from 1:16:40 to 1:22:30]

All I want is a Build-A-Bear crossover with Gundam. Purple Garma bear. Starry-eyed Kamille bear. Golden Domon bear. Winking silver-haired Orga bear. Come on!! This shit sells itself!!!

Watching - Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Episodes 41-43

Featuring - Max | Sara

Check out our other stuff! - Pod of Greed | Slappers Only | Never Mind the Trollocs | Fearbaiting | Fwd:Fwd:Re:Zero | Special Grade Snax | Henry Kissinger is Pokemon Going to Die | The Wonder Yeerks



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