For the next three weeks, we are celebrating our milestone of 100 episodes by releasing our top 3 most popular shows. Today's episode is our third most popular show ever, and that's no surprise being that it featured one of our favorite ladies (Courtney B. Ellis, 3x guest of Woven) and one of our universal struggles (Uncluttering our lives). It feels as timely as ever in the wake of our global pandemic. We hope you enjoy!  ------ Here are the OG show notes from Episode 44:    This week, author and pastor Courtney Ellis joins us to wrap up our Fun Stuff series with an episode about Uncluttering. We can't even really talk about "Fun" without talking about what gets in the way of it, and for many of us it's a lot of small things that add up to busy days and tired souls.    On this episode, we discuss uncluttering our possessions, our calendars, and our digital spaces. The approaches we take will look very different for every person, but the end results are the same: peace, increased happiness, and rest.    Courtney is funny and candid, and we LOVED having her on! Check out Uncluttered (currently the #1 new release in its category!), and enjoy the The FREE Uncluttered study guide and the first chapter of Uncluttered. Check out her websiteFacebook and Twitter, too. 


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