The Worthy boys help build a bridge to one of the greatest Best Picture winners, The Bridge On The River Kwai starring Alec Guinness and William Holden. This wartime adventure is packed with tension, thrills, and some of the best cinematography in a Best Picture winner yet! We even discuss whether there’s even a lead in this film or if this movie is simply an ensemble piece. 


This is the 30th episode of the Worthy podcast so it’s once again time for the Worthies to be given out to the best films from 1948 to 1957! We determine what’s the best Best Picture over the last 10 episodes as well as give our picks for some other technical awards. The Worthy boys also talk about Miyoshi Umeki winning Best Supporting Actress and becoming the first Asian performer winner at the Oscars!  


Is Bridge On The River Kwai a Worthy contender for Best Picture? Tell us how we’re wrong at [email protected]