Why Flow might be the key to unlocking our Infinite potential? Flow science research shows that while in a Flow State we have massively leveled up Creativity, Productivity, and Learning. 
THINK: Big data for the mind. Flow is a massively disruptive technology. There is a new frontier emerging. A more sane and humane story about the truth of our being is being told in real-time led by the exponential sciences underlying Psychedelics, Meditation & Flow.


Show notes Matt Solocast:


-“Stealing Fire” -Steven Kotler/Jamie Wheal 


-“FLOW” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 


TED TALK: https://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_flow_the_secret_to_happiness?language=en


-Flow Science: Productivity, Learning, & Creativity


-Psychedelics & Limitless Personal Growth: Wednesday/Friday/Saturday morning guided breathwork sessions @Foster Beach.


Steven Kotler 


Rick Doblin PhD

