When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s hard to separate work from life. When you’ve built a business (or multiple businesses) from the ground up, it can be even harder. After all, you have big dreams. Maybe you want to scale that biz, hit 7 figures (or 10 figures, you do you!), and work remotely while building your empire. Whatever your vision for your business looks like, odds are that vision also bleeds into your life. It becomes “When I hit 7 figures, I’ll buy myself that Tesla,” or “I want to live in New York so I can build more contacts for my business.”

All of this sounds a-freakin-mazing, and we’re totally here for it, but we want to make sure you’re not just tying your life vision to your business vision. They should still be separate, at least somewhat. If you’re wondering if you have tied your life vision to your business vision (or you know you totally have), this episode will give you some tips on how to separate the two, and a few resources you can use to get clear on what your visions for life and work really are.



[00:43] Why entrepreneurs have to be careful about biz decisions that affect life

[02:01] How to consider if your business vision counteracts your life vision

[04:01] Factors that can affect your long-term happiness 

[05:22] The difference between a life vision and a business vision

[07:06] How a business vision might look, separate from your life

[08:07] Why most people regret working so hard

[09:13] The risk of putting off your life vision for “later”

[11:26] Why revivement (instead of retirement) can align those biz and life visions

[13:14] The first step you need to take to feel harmony between your business and life

[14:18] How to get your business goals to move you toward your revivement



Have you ever had an amazing business idea, or a goal for your current business that you just couldn’t wait to get started on? But then you started thinking about all the hours it would take, the level of effort and money it might require to get off the ground? Did you think about weekends lost, time with your spouse or partner you wouldn’t get, or the difficulty it would require to move and leave family and friends behind? Sometimes, our business visions can be so powerful (and so exciting!) but they come at such a cost to our life vision.

Maybe your life vision is to start a family and live close to your parents, but your vision for your business requires you to work 7 days a week in a city far from home. Which one wins out in that scenario? On a less obvious scale, entrepreneurs face these kinds of decisions everyday. Maybe your life vision is to be fit and run marathons, but your business needs you working all the time and you have no time to train. Maybe you want to travel the world but you’re too busy to take the break from work.

Whatever it is, this is how we all have tied our life vision to our business vision in some way or another. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, until we sacrifice what we really want out of life to keep the business vision afloat. Instead of allowing one to overpower the other, let’s talk about how to make these visions live in harmony.



Y’all, we don’t want you to miss out on life because you’re too busy building your business. We’ve seen it too many times, and you probably have, too. Your work should revolve around your life, not the other way around. So, to really balance out what you want for your life and what you want for your business, you need to blend them together and make sure that one doesn’t overwhelm the other.

Ask yourself:

What would my business look like if I got to do what I wanted in life? What level of success would I need to reach in my business to sustain the life I want? What would I be doing if I wasn’t working? How can I get to that point? What do I want to do in life before I die? What can I plan to make that happen?


Of course, this isn’t just a quick thought exercise. You’ll need to put some muscle into it! Especially if you’re looking around and realizing you’ve already tied your life vision to your business vision; it’ll take some time to unravel that. In this episode, we give you some resources (linked below) that you can use to make the separation of life and business clear, so that you can make sure the pieces meld together in a way that is healthier for you! 

Remember, all of your business moves should be designed to give you the life you want — not the other way around.


This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.


Resources & People Mentioned Our Vision Worksheet in our FREE go-to financial and life planning resources Revivement (instead of retirement) The Toujours Planning Quiz — Are we a good fit for your financial planning needs? Tyler J. McCall @tylerjmccall The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware   Connect With Danielle and Dustin Ask Your Questions On Facebook On Twitter

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