Have you ever punched someone? Not a tap on the shoulder, but a fist-clenched, teeth-gritted haymaker-to-the-jaw kinda punch. Are you thinking “how is throwing a punch living my ideal life?” Throwing (or receiving) that punch may not be ideal, but sharing the story of how it all went down might be! On this fun and informative episode, Dustin stands on the shoulders of Benjamin Franklin as he details his own experience of starting a Junto club, the benefits of deep conversation, and how you can start your own Junto club!

Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:15] Before tech took over our lives, we had more meaning conversations [5:00] The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin [6:00] What is a junto club? [8:30] Establish rituals and rules [15:00] What kinds of questions should you ask at junto club? [20:45] How to effectively answer questions [23:00] Lose the script [25:00] Worth It Inspirations What is a Junto Club?

Benjamin Franklin recognized the value of conversation and the importance of cognitive diversity in convening innovative conversations when he founded the Junto Club almost 300 years ago. The club, initially composed of twelve members who met on Friday evenings, first in a tavern and later in a house, to discuss issues of morals, politics or natural philosophy to improve themselves and their community. The club led to innovations such as volunteer fire-fighting organizations, improved security through night watchmen, a public hospital and the first public library.

Rituals and Rules

Dustin says it’s important to establish a set of rules and rituals that guide how your Junto club operates. For example, everyone in his junto club must wear a sports jacket while attending. This helps establish the formal nature of the meeting and ensures that all present remember to speak and act like gentlemen. He also requires the members to post their questions one week in advance, to give others time to prepare. Decide how frequently the group will meet, how long each meeting will last, and where it will be held. Choose a quiet, comfortable, inviting location. Set the tone for a relaxing atmosphere. Consider serving food, and have fun!

What kind of questions should you discuss at the Junto?

Benjamin Franklin put together a provocative set of questions to stimulate the conversations during the club’s meetings, and you should do the same. In Dustin’s junto, each member must submit a question in advance. These can be on any subject, from politics to world travel to throwing haymakers, and so on. Dustin says asking yourself “will others benefit from this question?” is a great place to start. What sort of question would you ask in a junto club?

Incorporate your wisdom without being afraid

You are in a junto club, listening to some great questions. Now, how do you respond in a meaningful way? Dustin says to incorporate your wisdom without being afraid. Share discoveries, be open, go deep. Try to avoid canned answers, or just repeating what everyone else says. Frame your answer from a unique angle, but keep them brief. He also says it’s perfectly acceptable to throw your script out the window and just go with it.

Resources & People Mentioned The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin theworthitpodcast.com/45 Legends of the Fall Movie Connect With Danielle and Dustin Ask your questions! On Facebook On Twitter Connect with Dustin on Twitter: @DRGranger


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