Happy New Year! Here at the Worth It podcast we’re excited to share with you our advice on how to go beyond stereotypical New Year’s resolutions and move into a goal system development mindset. It’s one thing to have good intentions after the holidays and another to take concrete steps towards accomplishing the visions you have for yourself. Living your ideal life starts with developing daily lifestyle habits and systems. Don’t miss our engaging conversation on this episode of Worth It!

The biggest issue with New Year’s resolutions

The idea behind resolutions - wanting to become a better version of yourself - is not a bad thing! As explained by co-founder and COO of Buffer, Leo Wildrich, 50% of all Americans set themselves a New Year’s resolution. Why is it then that nearly 90% of these resolutions fail within the first few weeks of the new year? The problem lies here: resolutions are vastly different from habits. Be sure to catch the full reasoning behind why resolutions aren’t the path to progress on this episode of Worth It!

Why goal systems are better than just resolutions

Resolutions tend to be abstract concepts that your brain has immense trouble comprehending. Habits and goals, however, can be developed into measurable steps with accountability components. A system or habit is permanent - resolutions can be lost or broken. Even completed resolutions that fall outside of the 90% statistic are only short-term fixes because there is no “next step” after the immediate success. My suggestion is to start implementing small, reasonable lifestyle changes into your daily habits and watch 2018 become a stellar year for you personally and professionally.

The best five tips that will help you become a better version of yourself

If you want to instigate real change in your life for the new year, consider implementing even just one of these five tips. Being present when it matters is crucial to maintaining thriving relationships with others in your life. You don’t want to let your job become all-consuming, so be sure to leave work at work. When you commit to something, commit 100% and learn to say “no” more often to help you prioritize your obligations. Scheduling time into your weeks for your passion projects will allow you to flourish, and the benefits will carry over into other areas of your life. And of course, organize your financial plans! Don’t let the stress from unfinished business take over your 2018. Be sure to catch all of my tips for goal system development on this engaging episode of Worth It!

Dustin R. Granger, CFP® offers insights for a productive and positive 2018

Dustin R. Granger, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, shares his top insights for an outstanding 2018 on this episode. Visualizing a better future and adopting an abundance mindset is one of the best ways to create change in the new year. And don’t forget to recharge! Everyone needs a break from their daily routines to think, find respite, and come back with plenty of energy and creativity to tackle projects. You don’t want to miss this part of the conversation, so be sure to give this episode a listen!

Outline of This Episode [0:38] Happy January! Listen to this episode of Worth It for insights on goal system development for the new year [3:39] The big difference between intentions and accomplishments [4:19] Legal disclaimer [5:00] The biggest problem with resolutions [6:49] Why practical systems are always better than abstract resolutions [9:30] Real life examples of resolutions vs. systems [14:14] Our overview on habits that help us become better leaders and live better lives [15:10] Show up more when it matters [19:29] Leave work at work [22:10] Say “no” more [23:06] Do more of what you enjoy [24:19] Set up your financial plan and system [25:21] Dustin R. Granger, CFP® offers tips for a bright and productive 2018 [35:45] Creating habits and systems for a new you in 2018 Resources & People Mentioned Leo Wildrich article: “The Science of New Year’s Resolutions: Why 88% Fail and How to Make Them Work” Stanford’s research article on resolutions: “How to let go of your New Year’s resolutions — and everything you think they say about you” Ep. #1: Choose the Life You Want and Get Busy Matt Cutts TED Talk: “Try something new for 30 days” Connect With Danielle and Dustin www.theworthitpodcast.com - be sure to ask your questions On Facebook On Twitter Connect with Dustin on Twitter: @DRGranger

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