Your future is determined by the vision that you set in place for your life. Without vision, you cannot have a plan for where you want to be, what you want to achieve or the impact you want to make. Dustin and I share some powerful ways to help clarify your personal vision on this episode of Worth it!  

What would you do with immortality?

That question seems like a fun one to talk about, right? With no time limits, it’s fun to think about all the things you could do, the places you would travel and the things you could learn. My brother Dustin has asked several friends that question and the initial answers are usually similar. People talk about all the things they wish they could do now. The reality is, they can. How is that possible? With a personal vision that guides their lives each day. Find out more by listening to this episode.    

Today, you know how many days you have left

Imagine if a doctor told you that you had 5-10 years left to live. You don’t experience any symptoms of illness, but you have no idea when you will take your last breath. How would that motivate you today? What aspects of your life, family or business would you change? How would you spend that time more effectively? It may seem a little morbid, but it is a powerful tool to help you clarify your personal vision and prioritize the things you need to spend time on.  

A Vulnerable Vision

For the sake of clarity, let’s say you visit that same doctor, who tells you that you only have 24 hours to live. As you process the emotions of that, ask yourself these questions...What dreams went unfulfilled? What was left unfinished? What did you miss? It is in these introspective moments that clarity begins to dawn. From that clarity, you can begin to develop your personal vision, a vision that could change your life. Listen to get started.   

One winter day in 2027  

I recently listened to Tim Ferriss interview Debbie Millman about the topic of personal vision. He shared a concept called “One winter day in 2027.” It looks something like this: Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Now imagine you wake up one winter day in 2027. In great detail, describe your life. What does your house look like? What kind of furniture do you have? Do you have Children? What are they like? Use this method to describe your entire day in glorious detail. I think you will be amazed at how clarifying this exercise is. This is the power of vision.      

Outline of This Episode [1:30] The importance of a Personal Vision [2:30] What would you do with immortality [6:00[ If money was no object, what would you do? [7:00] The hourglass principle [8:10] Your last 24 hours to live: What is left undone? [12:45] One day in the winter of 2027       Resources & People Mentioned The Father of life planning, George Kinder Business coach Scott Yoast The Law of Attraction Tim Ferriss - Debbie Millman Interview Connect With Danielle and Dustin - be sure to ask your questions On Facebook On Twitter Connect with Dustin on Twitter: @DRGranger

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