Cameron Porter is an investor at AlleyCorp, a New York City based venture studio that's incubated the likes of Business Insider, Mongo DB, and more.

After leading all of college soccer in scoring his senior year at Princeton, Cam dropped out to play professional soccer in the MLS, while simultaneously working for the league as a software engineer.

He and Asher talk startup ideation, contextualizing his unconventional path into venture, and above all, why greatness can't be planned.

[1:08]: How AlleyCorp systematizes the process of startup ideation

[5:03]: From high school graduating class of 45 to the NCAA's leading goal scorer

[8:36]: Playing in the MLS while simultaneously working for the league as a software engineer

[12:07]: Optimizing for the average Wednesday

[13:56]: Where AlleyCorp differs from a typical VC firm

[17:10]: The mechanics of an ideation session and the process of talking to users

[23:57]: The story of how AlleyCorp was started

[29:30]: Optimizing for performance at work, content consumption, and what is worth Cam's time

[33:49]: Cam's favorite books and how they've changed the way he sees the world

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AlleyCorp Website:

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