Mehak Vohra knew that dropping out at 19 was a huge risk. Since taking the leap in 2016, she's been featured by Forbes, ABC, Adweek, Huffington Post and a slew of other publications while growing her agency, Jamocha Media, into a six-figure business.

In this conversation with Ethan, she pulls back the curtain on her childhood, transitioning from college student to freelancer and scaling her newest project, OnDelta, a growth marketing bootcamp that's free until you get a job.

[1:25]: Running for Mayor of San Francisco

[5:33]: All things OnDelta

[11:15]: Growing up in West Virginia and Oakridge, Tennessee: birthplace of The Manhattan Project

[16:43]: How a single weekend changed the trajectory of Mehak's life

[21:02]: Jamocha Media as a vehicle for learning

[22:15]: The struggles of freelancing

[25:09]: Doubling down on LinkedIn

[27:41]: OnDelta as a "scaleable marketing agency"

[30:40]: Mehak's favorite book

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