Dungeons, Dragons, thongs, songs, but not the thong song.

Mike takes on hosting duties, and it’s…something.

What is the craziest food you could eat in public?

Jason comes up with the idea do stand up comedy at a karaoke night. How does this work? I have no idea.

We try to get some legal advice from Jeremy, but then we wonder if he’s a good lawyer.

First offpod song was all about not being the best. There was also some guitar shredding at the end.

This also has a song about Dragons and Cher, so that’s pretty amazing. These topics came up in the episode where we had “Sympathy for a lower diety.” So, Mike wrote it in a song. It’s also basically a song about Dungeons and Dragons.

We follow Cher and Dungeons and Dragons on the Twitters.

@worstsongpod on twitter.

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