Previous Episode: Song S01e12 - Flavortown

Did you know Jeremy is a notary? You bet your sweet self he is. This week we look at the interview process and sing about it, because that's a thing normal people do.

Week 13 - Hiring Process
Did you know Jeremy is a notary? You bet your sweet self he is.

Do you know who isn’t? John-effing-Tesh. Him and his radio hour.

Since failing for weeks on end, the guys wonder if they should fail at other tasks. They confess which bands they wish they knew better. And most importantly, we wonder if we should sympathise with our bosses more.

Side note: if we get a Patreon – we threaten to become notaries and send fake job applications to your home.

Twitter: John Tesh

Inspirations? Mili Vanilli….maybe.