For over 2 decades the talented mangaka Hirohiko Araki has created and serialized a manga that is so surreal, so over-the-top, so absolutely bizarre that it had no choice but to change the landscape of Japanese pop culture, the fashion industry and the acceptance of a new type of masculinity. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a horrific, comedic, drama that has a little bit of something for everyone. Each part is like an entirely new show that details the overarching story of the Joestar family. Join us today, as we discussed the impact of JJBA, what makes it so powerful, our feelings of the series and why we think it's considered a pop culture icon.
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Crew On Board:
GB (@gene_ius) ,  Master D (@lettucepray0) , Sensei (@senseileglove) ,  Karlito (@karlito5_) , Take God (@_derbear) , Ash (@AshTheName)
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Check out Sensei Le Glove’s YouTube here.