Anime and manga capture the hearts, minds, and spirits of us all every time we immerse ourselves in a story. They spark our imagination and challenge us to dream of world where our rules of reality don’t apply. Today we’re going to discuss a topic that we expect some fans have never thought about; the power systems of our favorite anime/manga universes. For many, the believability and enjoyability of a series lies in the execution of it’s power systems. How do characters grow? What are the limits to their powers? What is the source of their power? These are all questions that factor into deciding if a power system is GOAT Tier or not. Tune in to find out if your favorite anime makes the cut!
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Twitter: @worstgen_pod
Crew On Board:
GB (@geneius3)Β , SenseiΒ (@senseileglove) , Karlito (@karlito5_) , TakeGod (@thetakegod)
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Album Art: @blackmon.rb_
Intro Music: @t.reg