Previous Episode: Anime After Dark_Session 11
Next Episode: Unleash The Good

Playback of Session #12 of #AnimeAfterDarkCH on Clubhouse. This program is brought to you every Wednesday @ 9.30 PM CST by Worst Generation Podcast and Blanime Podcast.

Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date @worstgenpod + @blanimepodcast

This week’s Agenda: β—¦ Black Cosplay Talk (Hour 1) β—¦ Sports Anime (Hour 2) β—¦ Ask The Pods (Hour 3) RULES: - [ ] Please give your Name (Real or Twitter), where you’re from, and Top 3 anime (no order) - [ ] Be Respectful to everyone in the room . This is a safe space. Violate and get kicked. - [ ] Follow everyone especially the Moderators who have their own anime platforms - [ ] Limit talk time to 1 minute per topic and 2 minutes for Ask the Pods The club for all black anime podcasters, cosplayers, mangaka, youtubers, streamers, and influencers to unite and network.