It's Jack's birthday! It's Dan's birthday! It's Nelson Muntz's birthday! Yes, our birthdays are within two days of each other's, and to celebrate, we watch Season 18's The Haw-Hawed Couple, where Nelson has a birthday, nobody comes, and then he and Bart become best friends (and beat up Doctor Octopus). AND the origin of The Book Job's Angelica Button! What a jam-packed episode! Is this the best Homer plot we've seen on this show? Is this the best animated "Goodfellas" parody ever? And how come the Ullman Era voices sounded so much like the Rat Pack? Plus, the secret power source of WEE Studios, mixed up Draculas, and things you can do with a jacuzzi suit. We earn our explicit tag this week, listeners, so keep wee ears away from WEE this week.

NEXT WEEK: Season 20's Father Knows Worst