I talk with Paul and Steve over at The Don't Panic Radio Show about Mebar and writing and they ask me some awkward questions. All for your listening pleasure, of course. (Just so you know, there are mild spoilers for the story up to this point so far, and a few teasers of what's to come) Act_I_Recap Warning! Below is a timeline of the events up to this point (that's up to Chapter 9 and the Act Break Interlude), so if you haven't listened that far, DO NOT READ BELOW here! Timeline (Chapter 1 - Chapter 9): (day 1) 5th of May: Soma’s family vanishesPaul is kidnapped(day 2) 6th of May:Paul is murdered(day 3) 7th of May:Irse uses the Aleph’s investigation going on concerning the disappearance of Soma’s family to begin her machinations, which starts with her waking up Nathan (day 4) 8th of May:Soma meets VikiPaul wakes up in a white room after being kept in stasis for two days. Irse tells him to proclaim that the Alephs are evilSoma gets the Midnight Caller potion from TravisPaul enters PanSoma meets Ignacio using the potionAramis is woken up by the potion by accident(day 5) 9th of May: Aramis welcomes Jules to PanSoma writes down notes from her meeting with IgnacioNathan finishes a 2 day bender, goes to the HNM center, and finds out something’s wrong with MebarPaul steals Aramis’ job(day 6) 10th of May: Aramis makes it to Hempstock, meets PaulSoma learns the truth about her family(day 7) 11th of May:Soma enters Pan as a preyvedeNathan makes it to Threshold(day 8) 12th of May:Nathan talks with Carini about the changes to MebarAramis runs into Paul at the Remnants studySoma talks with Ignacio all night(day 9) 13th of May:Soma talks with PhyllisNathan escapes from Threshold(day 15) 19th of May:Aramis and Paul talk before their second Remnant study meetingViki helps Assembly member Negri contact Irse, who tells them she wants Nathan to kill all of them