Today's Topic – A real conversation about the place of fiction in conversation is needed


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Podcast Show Flow Disclaimer about qualifications and knowledge on the subject Disclaimer this is not about gameplay or bugs The Cyberpunk 2077 complaints sounds familiar Transphobic Poor Haitian Star Poor treatment Cultural appropriation Toxic Fan-base Causing Seizures … I will miss many and for that I apologize The Genre is mean to show a punk backlash vs a corporate world where everyone is marginalized… taking the way we marginalized people and expanding it. Cyberpunk vs our world Algorithms not implants Influencer vs Followers Marinizing individuals Too much white noise THE TRAFFIC Large corporations us information to try and segment people to buying their products. Smaller corporation try the same to start carving out a niche Conclusions NOT CLOSE TO PERFECT It is more than okay to be offended by a cyberpunk setting… dystopian fiction must do this More time is needed to see if genre was used as cover to generate buzz Should we want fiction devoid of images that are offensive and is that even possible? Even being offended can be offensive Where is the line been fasciation and appropriation Is a corporation that point to problematic behavior to get attention committing the same problematic behavior? WBT

                Consider challenging thoughts in your art

RW  Task

Do a good deed in opposition of every offense you see

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