Today's Topic – A spoon full of f*** keeps the passenger away


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Spoiler warning (At Least minor character developing) WTF happened (Short form) Genocide accusations are overblown from what we know But he was eating other sentient beings What did we learn? Hunger issues for the pair Baby Yoda is noooo vegan The Mandalorian is a horrible parent… so is the passenger Let’s be clear most content about this is clickbait… except for ours :D X reasons it is okay Protagonist do not have to be good (even if they are cute) Characters learn best through failure… like all people All people act out of character As you develop the “People” of your your keep this in mind Remember if you have impact with your characters and stories, you will be called out for it. And it is okay. WBT

Binge the Mandalorian today

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Go the undercroft and judge baby Yoda!

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