Today's Topic – Welcome J.B. to the forge

A stellar student in high school and college, Mr. Lion always had a knack for creative and professional writing. Those traits would come in handy as he spent most of his adult years a project manager, travelling the world implementing transit technology.

During this time, he never stopped writing short stories which he kept in several notebooks over a span of 15 years. The primary theme of these stories culminated from a simple game he would play with his two sons to pass the time. The game centered around three different societies, each one trying to outmaneuver one another for control of the universe.


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Podcast Show Flow Tell us about your latest work? How do you connect your worldbuilding back to The Story? When did you know you had a love for worldbuilding? Tell a STORY about how you knew you love building worlds. What was your “I can” experience? Tell a STORY about it. Biggest achievement to date? Tell a STORY of your biggest achievement to date. When you learned of it. What was its impact on your progress as an author and a worldbuilder? What real world advice do you wish you had known sooner? Tell a quick STORY about some task that could have gotten you started sooner as a writer

Gauntlet round: (All fast answers)

What held you back from sharing your world(s)? Favorite types of fantasy worlds: alien, earthlike, or earth-based? What is your favorite time period for fantasy settings? What is the most important habit or skill in creating a world? What tool(s) could you not work without? What is one resource you would offer to a Worldbuilder starting down your path? If you ended up in the (a) world you created.  What would be the first thing you would do?  (Please keep it as clean as possible.)


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RW  Task

Check out more with JB Lion, Twitter, or Instagram

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