Today’s episode takes a little different twist as we look at business partnerships among powerful women and how they work or don’t. The two women showcased today are well educated and are innovators in the skincare field. One of these women already had a skincare product line that could be found in major department stores but she believed its consumer reach could be even greater. This is where the other woman came in.  She had different skills and business acumen that the skincare company founder didn’t have. So, they joined forces to expand the skincare company by forming a 50/50 partnership. But being business partners, though extremely beneficial, can be a tough business arrangement to manage much less thrive.  But these two women are making it happen. They are working together toward a common goal and have much to teach us about the power and pitfalls of partnerships. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Aliett Buttelman and Nina Labruna.