This morning Daniel Johnson gives us a COVID-19 round-up, starting with the Secretary-General Antoinio Guteress’s call for financial support at a Brussels pledging conference today, for a UN & WHO initiative to supply countries with the medical equipment and vaccines they need.
Daniel and Katt speak about UNICEF's alert last Friday about a vaccine shortfall because of flight restrictions and also the UNHCR warning of overloaded helplines last week.

Today (Monday 4 May 2020) there will be an online debate, organised by UNESCO to mark World Press Freedom Day yesterday, that is open to the public. The subject "Press freedom & tackling disinformation in the context of COVID-19."

Speakers: Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet.


Lastly, we look at a CinéONU event; a screening of the film "Unseen Enemy", followed by a debate with the director Janet Tobias + experts from the WHO and UN human rights office - "Pandemics and what we've learned so far from Covid-19."

When: Friday. 15:00
Where: Online at
Password: UnseenEnemy9138 (Valid from 5 - 8 mai 2020).