Most of us will almost certainly know someone - friends or family - fighting against breast cancer.

And it can be quite a daunting prospect, having treatment in a foreign country, a different language - away from family and friends.

It’s also often hard to find specialist underwear that’s attractive, while still functional for those who’ve undergone partial or complete mastectomy surgery.

Now, two expat friends have decided to do something about it.

Breast cancer patient Zoë Zenklusen Payne, alongside her friend and fellow Swiss business owner Sarah de Rivaz are in Geneva this weekend with their pop-up store.

They will be selling, amongst other things, underwear, hats and bags - all designed with breast cancer treatment in mind.

They say it can be isolating going through illness in Switzerland and anyone can pop along and have a chat, a browse and learn about the local support that is on offer.

Shoppers can also purchase their special ‘Fearless’ t-shirts, with part of the proceeds going to cancer research charities in Switzerland.

The pop-up store is open at HerStreet on Rue des Eaux-Vives 17-19, from 10am - 7pm this Friday and Saturday (November 29 & 30)