La Garenne is a wildlife rescue centre in Vaud. The animals at the park can all be found in Switzerland and many of the animals came to them as orphans or were wounded. Where possible, they will always release a recovered animal.

La Garenne also takes part in several national and international reintroduction programmes of threatened species such as the bearded vulture and the cinereous vulture. Out of the 26 Bearded Vultures born at La Garenne, 13 participated in the breeding programme in animal parks, and 13 were released. Some of them formed new couples in the wild.

Lin Schelling, Assistant to the Director of La Garenne, offered to tell Katt Cullen more about it...

If you have found a wild animal that you believe to be wounded, you can contact La Garenne to ask for advice, or visit their webpage on this subject. As Lin Schelling explains to Katt, smaller animals may simply have wondered away from their parents so it's best not to assume they're lost or orphaned straight away.