Our listener Sandy wanted to know why her tulips stop flowering after a few years. You can try digging them up after flowering and storing them for the summer, or choose tulips that re-flower reliably every year like the kaufmanniana, greigii or Darwin hybrids. Look out for the Morges tulip bulb sell-off on the 15th of May, 10CHF for the first bag and 5CHF for all subsequent bags, and you can try lots of new varieties. There are dozens of great plant fairs happening in May; Jardins en Fete at the Chateau de Coppet www.jardinsenfete.ch where you can find lots of great plants, accessories and Hester will be there with her new book on the 10th, 11th and 12th of the month. If you can't make it to Coppet then the plant fair at Vaumarcus the following weekend (17-19 May) https://www.j3l.ch/en/P49336/days-of-extraordinary-plants, or check out one of ProSpecieRara's many events across the country https://www.prospecierara.ch/de/veranstaltungen/cat/maerkte you're sure to find something near you.