Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com

Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv

Mount Up Add-on: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/mount-up

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/starmike


Hunter now level 16; WoW writing slowing down WoW leveling

Guides getting lots of good reviews

Had to replace my keyboard AGAIN -- weird Corsair keyboard layouts


Mage is 37.

Had to take a break for a day.


Rise in gold seller chat channel spam and what to do about it

Interface Options > Social > Block Chat Channel Invites

Free Character Transfers on Select EU and Na realms

For one day, NEW realms will be restricted only to those players using a free character moves to ensure they get the names they want. One day after, other players can make new characters on those realms (Only actual new realms are PvP)

Move restrictions: A character cannot move if the character:

is a guild leader.

has active auction listings or bids.

has mail.

You may be required to change your character’s name once you’ve reached the destination realm.

This is a one-way, irreversible move.

Addons - what addons are you using and why?