Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com

Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv

Mount Up Add-on: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/mount-up


“Fixed” my problem with subtlety rogue

Working rep with rogue - finishing all quests in each zone

114 worgen rogue working through Tirisgarde - “the zone that never ends”

Major rant about the differences between layouts of Dazar’alor and Boralus Harbor, including a major physics problem for the Horde

Found another way archaeology is different = Darkmoon Faire

War Campaign on Horde on hold until Revered with Honorbound



Mythics with Ali

Finished the whole Kul Tiras storyline

Oh, but you have to be revered with 7th Legion to continue with Z

Working hard on rep because ^^

Arathi was amazing.

Lag on night one

So many epics and toys

One more heroic for the achievement

Working on Pathfinder

This Week in WoW:

Darkmoon Faire until Sunday

Warfronts open (more in news)

Uldir opens

Next Tuesday: BfA Dungeon Event begins


Notable hotfixes of the week

Unintended gear drops - Blizzard corrections