Mastering Facebook Live. Ryan Foland speaks with Mari Smith, the Queen of Facebook. She is one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing, and has been featured on Forbes’ perennial Top Social Media Power Influencers lists. As an author and speaker, she shares insights on the latest trends and best practices for businesses looking to increase their social influence and build their businesses with social media.

Ryan and Mari talk a lot about how speakers can use Facebook, and specifically Facebook Live to engage their audiences and build a stronger, more loyal following. If you’ve been thinking it’s about time to master Facebook marketing, this is a great place to start.

Listen to this podcast to find out:

- Why you should consider hosting Facebook Live sessions as a pro speaker to build your audience and credibility.
- The tools you need to make great, professional Live videos
- Why many speakers are late to adopt Live streaming, and how to overcome common fears
- The biggest trend right now in digital speaking, and why you should consider being an early adopter
- Where to look when making a Live video