Build sales leads with your talk. Ryan Foland speaks with Jabez LeBret. Jabez has delivered thousands of presentations globally and has has a regular column on Forbes where he is considered a leading expert in marketing, technology, and managing Millennials in the workplace.

There are some important key topics discussed in this interview, such as how to engage and build connections both onstage and online, and how to substantially grow your business by collecting sales leads from the stage. Scroll down to see an infographic with Jabez’s 7 Step sales process.

Listen to this podcast to find out:

- The seven strategic steps for generating sales from the stage
- Where to start if you want to write for Forbes, or Inc, or Entrepreneur, or HBR.
- How to set yourself apart from all the other speakers in your industry.
- A psychological hack that will help you collect hundreds of sales leads after your presentation
- What an "open source" mentality is, and how it will help you both on stage, on social media, and when networking, to build stronger connections
- Why you need a back-up plan for every problem: with solutions for what to do when your joke bombs, and how to bring the attention back to your talk if everyone in the room gets distracted.