Adapting your talk. Ryan Foland speaks with Dr. Natalie Forest, the Executive Director of Women of Global Change, and leading expert in how to recognize and resolve destructive psychological patterns in order to reach your full potential and success.

Ryan and Natalie weave through a number of interesting topics, focusing on how to determine what really empowers you and fires up your passion—and how to use that to motivate not only your talks, but drive your speaking business. They also talk about branding and how to establish yourself as a credible expert in your field.

Listen to this podcast to find out:

- How to use books, press releases, and interviews to leverage your speaking business.
-How to maximize the effectiveness of your applications—regardless of whether you get hired to speak or not.
- Why it is necessary to adapt your talk based on the audience in front of you and how this will help you manage prestage stress and get more bookings.
- How to figure out what success means to you, and how this can transform your talk.
- The best way to stand out in a “forest” of speakers. [Note: it’s easier than you think.]