Don’t suck on stage. Ryan Foland speaks with Tiffani Bova, the global customer growth and innovation evangelist at Salesforce. She is a keynote speaker and podcaster who shares ideas on business growth. Tiffani is cutting-edge analyst and an expert growth strategy.

Ryan and Tiffani talk about how speakers can hone in on their topic, and how not to suck on stage, and why practice is crucial to really learn how to engage an audience and start getting paid top dollar for your talks.

Listen to this podcast to find out:

- How to “not suck” on stage, with advice from Guy Kawasaki, Nancy Duarte and Seth Godin.
- Why you have to get really good at speaking before expecting to get paid for it.
- Why you need to constantly be changing and improving your talk, if you want people to keep listening to you over and over again.
- The true power in being yourself on stage, and how acting like someone else can harm your speaking presence.
-How to recover quickly from an on-stage blunder.
