Nothing can seem quite as uncaring as a lawyer or doctor who can't empathize. It is very easy to come across as out-of-touch over the internet—not because you’re insensitive, but because the internet is an easy place to misinterpret things. When a prospective client or patient is facing a major issue it can be overwhelming and stressful. They likely have hundreds of potential lawyers or doctors to choose from, and they have no idea who to trust, or who will have their best interest at heart. You can combat this AND sell yourself just by sharing success stories; they just need to be told the right way.

Examples of your real-life successes help potential patients understand what you can deliver, and they can be a powerful tool for converting potential patients into actual patients. Case results can show your audience that you're not only excellent at your job, but your also understanding, kind, and sympathetic. By highlighting a broad spectrum of success stories you can give hope to people who think they may be out of options and show them you are committed no matter how big or little the issue may be. Lindsey Daher joined the March 2016 Webinar to inspire and instruct you on creating awesome case results.

Check out the recording to learn:

How to get started
The key elements of a great case result
How to create an outline
How to make it personal while maintaining patient privacy
And she’ll show you examples of excellent case results!

You can follow along with the slides here, and Lindsey has provided some excellent guides to get you started!

Answer the Case Result Questions to start writing your story, and
Use the Case Results Template to create your content.

Nothing can seem quite as uncaring as a lawyer or doctor who can't empathize. It is very easy to come across as out-of-touch over the internet—not because you’re insensitive, but because the internet is an easy place to misinterpret things. When a prospective client or patient is facing a major issue it can be overwhelming and stressful. They likely have hundreds of potential lawyers or doctors to choose from, and they have no idea who to trust, or who will have their best interest at heart. You can combat this AND sell yourself just by sharing success stories; they just need to be told the right way.

Examples of your real-life successes help potential patients understand what you can deliver, and they can be a powerful tool for converting potential patients into actual patients. Case results can show your audience that you're not only excellent at your job, but your also understanding, kind, and sympathetic. By highlighting a broad spectrum of success stories you can give hope to people who think they may be out of options and show them you are committed no matter how big or little the issue may be. Lindsey Daher joined the March 2016 Webinar to inspire and instruct you on creating awesome case results.

Check out the recording to learn:

How to get started
The key elements of a great case result
How to create an outline
How to make it personal while maintaining patient privacy
And she’ll show you examples of excellent case results!

You can follow along with the slides here, and Lindsey has provided some excellent guides to get you started!

Answer the Case Result Questions to start writing your story, and
Use the Case Results Template to create your content.