You have an excellent and effective marketing campaign in place and you’re getting tons of phone calls, but no new business. What gives?! Intake is the first real impression of what it’s like to work with your practice. Are you sending the right message? Even if you have a fabulous marketing campaign, a wonderful staff, and a great relationship with all of your patients or clients, a poor intake process can leave prospects feeling underwhelmed or neglected.

Bill Egan and Tod Novak, Intake Experts at Alert Communications joined our webinar to show you how each relationship starts with intake, and what you can do to ensure your marketing efforts are not going to waste! Check out the recording to learn:

The benefits of using a professional greeting, How to use empathy as a secret weapon, How to have a caring conversation, not an interrogation, The importance of call control, And how to listen effectively in order to maximize profit.

You can learn more about Alert Communications and what they can do to help grow your practice here. If you prefer to listen to the podcast recording of this webinar, you can download it directly from iTunes or use the audio player below