Scott Duvall heads up the Video Production Department here at Foster Web Marketing! He manages our in-house team of editors and interfaces with videographer contractors to bring a bit of video magic to our clients across North America. His team is behind virtually all of the video content that comes out of Foster Web Marketing (including this podcast and our new web series covering the latest news in digital marketing)! Scott has been with the company for over 2 years. He started out as a Senior Digital Marketing Strategist and SEO Analyst and has brought that expertise into the video realm to help our clients expand their reach and connect deeper with their audience. Outside of work he’s a candidate for an MBA and a MS in Television and Media Management at Drexel University.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

Scott’s Start with FWM

The Beginning of FWM’s Video Marketing

FWM’s Production Process

Bringing in Professionals

The Value of Content Videos

Prepping Clients for Video Work

Storybrand Marketing

Scott’s Motivators

Scott’s Mentors

Daily Rituals

Craziest Thing Scott’s Ever Done

Podcast Recommendations

In this episode…

Video Marketing is the future of marketing. It’s been said 1,000 times before and it will continue to echo for years to come. At Foster Web Marketing, we understand this deeply and are committed to providing our clients with the best marketing assistance humanly possible. Our video production team pulls expertise from all things SEO, videography, video editing, motion graphics, storytelling, and the newer trend of Storybrand Marketing.