Thus spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche is a book for all and book for none. Although marketing flop when published in 1883, it has developed to be one of the most essential works of philosophy. Its known for, well, being bit weird but insightful. The book is not only a philosophical work, its also Nietzsches attempt to show what a truly great writer he was. The book is full of allegories, word-plays, metaphors, making the book difficult but also bit ambiguous which might not have been such a great thing given that the nazis hijacked his ideas and justified their ideology through it (Nietzsche wasn't a nazi, nazis just interpreted his works wrong as did Nietszches sister).

Nietzsche was a man of controversy or still is. His best know for his idea, God is dead. What does it mean?  Well, during our journey through the world of Thus spoke Zarathustra we will answer this question and take a look at such ideas as master-slave morality, transvaluation of all values, the last man, Übermensch or overman and the will to power.  

"But when Zarathustra was alone, he spoke thus to his heart: "Could it be possible! This old saint has not heard in his forest that God is dead!"