Why do we do what we do? A question asked by many and to which have been responded in different ways. Maybe we are driven by the pleasure principle, by our feelings, by our conscience, or as Skinner suspected, by reinforcements.  

B. F. Skinner was an american psychologist, a pioneer of the behaviorist position. His output on the field of psychology is unquestioned. His work is teached, read and listened in every corner of the world and for good reason. Following the footsteps of early behaviorists, such as Pavlov and Watson, Skinner developed the behaviorist position and left a great mark in science and contributed greatly on how we understand and observe behavior. In this episode, we will take a look at the position of radical behaviorism and look at concepts such as operant conditioning, reinforcements, verbal behavior and much more as we sum up Skinners contributions to psychology through his work, About Behaviorism.