WIN Show #92 Topics = Wolverine vs. Deadpool, Banksy Institute, Political Black Hole, Hoverboard Gladiators, Trash Pandas Run Wild, Playing 2nd Fiddle, Freaks Of Nature, Florida Pythons, Global Sports, Weather and more...

Listen & take part in the World Improv Network (WIN) Improvised Comedy Radio Show by posting "Your Suggestions & Questions" for the WIN Cast on FaceBookTwitter or calling into the Mile High Sports Radio Studio Line, and then listen to your great ideas play-out "live" in 140+ countries around the world every Sunday from 8-9pm MST on KDCO Denver - AM1340, on Mile High Sport Radio or via Periscope @ World Improv Network...!

By posting "Your Suggestions or Questions" for any of the 4 WIN Show Segments, you become a WIN Contributor or "WINner" and an important part of this one-of-a-kind interactive improv comedy radio & live videostreaming experience...!

Suggestions or Questions for the 4 WIN Show Segments are...

1) WIN World Local News = "What News Stories Do You Want Reported?"

2) Community Court = "Who's Suing Who? / What's The Case About?"

3) Talking Points w Shabazz Davis = "What Topic Should Shabazz Dig Deep Into?"

4) Good, Bad, Ugly = "What Everyday Problems or Weekly Dilemmas Do You Need Advice Or Answers To?"

4b) Horoscope Corner = "What Color, Noun Or Mood Are You Feeling?"

If you miss any of the live broadcast, don't worry, the WIN Show can be played-back in its entirety via the WIN Podcast Rewind or any of the 4 WIN Show Segments can be heard individually @ the World Improv Network YouTube Channel.

We can't wait to see what you have in store for us each week with your awesome posts, texts & call-ins, and how "your great suggestions & questions" help make the funny happen :)  

Become a WINner and make your mark in this truly unique worldwide interactive comedy experience...!

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