WIN Show #85 Topics = Heads or Tails NFL 'Concussions', Miss Universe Scandal Revealed, The Sun Needs Chargin', Indian Umbilical Cord Festival, The UN Sues Santa, Priests Turned Con Men, Global Sports, Weather and more...

Listen & take part in the World Improv Network (WIN) Improvised Comedy Radio Show by posting "Your Suggestions & Questions" for the WIN Cast on FaceBookTwitter or calling into the Mile High Sports Radio Studio Line, and then listen to your great ideas play-out "live" in 140+ countries around the world every Sunday from 8-9pm MST on KDCO Denver - AM1340 or on Mile High Sport...!

By posting "Your Suggestions or Questions" for any of the 4 WIN Show Segments, you become a WIN Contributor (aka WINner) and an integral part of this truly unique interactive improv comedy radio show experience...!

Suggestions for the 4 WIN Show Segments are...

1) WIN World Local News = "What News Stories Do You Want Reported?"

2) Community Court = "Who's Suing Who? / What's The Case About?"

3) Talking Points w Shabazz Davis = "What Topic Should Shabazz Dig Deep Into?"

4) Good, Bad, Ugly = "What Everyday Problems or Weekly Dilemmas Do You Need Advice Or Answers To?"

4b) Horoscope Corner = "What Color, Noun Or Mood Are You Feeling?"

If you miss any of the live broadcast, don't worry, the WIN Show can be played-back in its entirety via the WIN Podcast Rewind or any of the 4 WIN Show Segments can be heard individually @ the World Improv Network YouTube Channel.

We can't wait to see what you have in store for us each week with your posts & call-ins, and how all "your great suggestions & questions" help make the funny happen :)  

Become a WINner and make your mark in this truly one-of-a-kind worldwide comedy radio show...!

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