Hello listeners and welcome back to another episode of World Forge!  This week we are joined by a very dear friend of the podcast... Jarred Bournigal from Monsters & Multiclass!  Jarred comes to us this week with a humble request: to help him build upon the world he's set his players to exploring over the past few years.  Are we up to the task?  Only time will tell dear listeners!

We had a lot of fun with this one, and if you want to hear more of Jarred please consider checking out Monsters & Multiclass on twitter @monsters_multi and on all major podcast platforms!

If you have any ideas about how to improve or expand upon our creations we want to hear them!  And if there's anything that YOU want us to help build please let us know!  We can be found on twitter @worldforgepod and via email at [email protected]!  If you're feeling particularly generous, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or your podcasting app of choice!  Leaving us a review or sharing our show with a friend are the best ways to support this podcast completely for FREE, and really helps to get our show in front of new listeners!

We of course want to thank you all for tuning in, and we also want to thank James Duke for our amazing theme music, he can be found at jamesduke.info! Talk to you again next week listeners!

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