Hello listeners and welcome back to a special Fathers Day episode of World Forge!  This week we dive into the kinds of trouble fathers and father figures can get into with their children, biological or otherwise.  For inspiration we look to some of our favorite good and bad dads, like Wolverine, Darth Vader, Joel from The Last of Us, and more, and we take a swing at creating our own daddy duo (well duo plus one it turns out) in the form of Geraldo the smuggler, and Abigail the street urchin.  Their journey takes them from My Fair Lady to The Road to The Most Dangerous Game...  it's a blast.

We also had some really fun recommendations for you this week, first we wanted to recommend you check out Dream Daddy, the daddy dating sim.  It's...  well it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect which is just great.  If you want to go and meet some dads and wine and/or dine them this is the place to go.  We also wanted to wholeheartedly recommend that you check out The Last of Us Part 2 which is out now!  This is not a sponsored episode, we just genuinely really like it, and wanted to give our endorsement in the wake of all of the (ridiculous) controversy that has surrounded it's launch.  Trust us, it's a good!

As always, if you enjoyed this episode or want to share any feedback please consider reaching to us on on social media! This week we're especially interested to hear what other kinds of adventures Geraldo, Abigail, and Unicorn may get up to after their chance meeting!  If you have any ideas we can be found on twitter @worldforgepod and via email at [email protected]!  We're always excited to hear about all the ways you use and improve upon our ideas, and if you send us something really interesting we may just share it on air!  And if you're feeling particularly generous, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts, or your podcasting app of choice! Leaving us a review or sharing our show with a friend are the best ways to support this podcast completely for FREE, because it helps get our show in front of new listeners!

We definitely want to thank you all for tuning in, and we also want to thank James Duke for our amazing theme music, he can be found at jamesduke.info! Talk to you again next week listeners!

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