So the last time we talked about Harry Potter we broke down what makes an interesting and viable magic system, this time we mostly just talk about how to make Hogwarts sexy. Fair warning: this episode is definitely one of our more explicit episodes, BUT IN A FUN WAY!

We decided to put our money where our mouths were and brought on some Harry Potter experts to take a stab at building a better magic school, and populating it with 4 houses that would put J.K. Rowling to shame. We also talk about things we actually like about our boy HP, and ways to take inspiration from Ms. Rowling's works.

Also I apologize to all our headphones listeners for breaking your sweet little ears this week, it got pretty buck wild here.

If you're interested in finding more of our wonderful guests this week you can find Maya at @ohfrocute on twitter, and Nick at... nowhere! Sorry friends he's all ours!

We had a few rec room suggestions this week including Potterless, a podcast about a person who's somehow never read Harry Potter before (available on all major podcasting platforms), and Magic for Liars which is available here!

As always, we had a lot of fun this week, and would love to hear your thoughts on our creations! So if you enjoyed this episode please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, it's a great way to support the show for free that helps promote our content and get us new listeners. We would also love to hear any feedback you have on twitter @worldforgepod or at [email protected]. If you want to send us your sexy Harry Potter fan fiction we would love to hear it, and maybe we'll read it out loud on the show! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WHEN YOU'RE A WIZARD!

We also want to thank James Duke who composed our theme song for us, he can be found at!

Thanks for listening, and we'll be back next week with another exciting topic!