Welcome back listeners to another episode of World Forge!  This week we're tackling another user suggested topic from our dear friend Jarred over at Monsters and Multiclass!  Jarred recently shared with us that sometimes it can be difficult to create unique monk characters given their narrow definition in game, so we took it upon ourselves to try and explore some alternative approaches to the monk lifestyle!

Speaking of Monsters and Multiclass, why don't you go and check them out?!  They're a great group of friends and their show features a lot of great discussions about strange and unique combinations of DnD classes, and they've even had us on as guests!  Go give a listen to their Monk/Artificers episode where I try and explain why Santa Claus is the best example of both classes in question!

We also recommend you go and watch Any of Jackie Chan's Drunken Master movies, and the Ron Howard classic Cinderella Man!  Both movies have excellent examples of characters we feel demonstrate the kind of discipline that's at the core of the monk class.

This week was a really fun episode, and if YOU have any other ideas for topics we want to hear them!  Please consider reaching out to us on twitter @worldforgepod or via email at [email protected]!  We also love to hear your feedback on our creations!  If you have any ideas on how to improve upon what we've built on air please send them our way!  If you're feeling particularly generous, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or your podcasting app of choice!  Leaving us a review or sharing our show with a friend are the best ways to support this podcast completely for FREE, and really helps to get our show in front of new listeners!

We of course want to thank you all for tuning in, and we also want to thank James Duke for our amazing theme music, he can be found at jamesduke.info! Talk to you again next week listeners!

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