Hello dear listeners!  You've made it to the final week of Fright Forge 2020!  We're so proud of you for traversing the abyss with us and helping us to make this most spooky of seasons a little more fun.  This week we finish off our month of fun and frights by building an adventure based around the grand daddy of phobias, the fear of death itself!

We talk about our favorite personifications of death and provide some great ideas for how to build an intimidating aspect of the grave for your DnD games.  We also talk about some fun quests you could build around an interaction with such a character.  There's so much to this trope that we could have packed in 10 episodes worth of ideas, so I think this is something we may well revisit in the future.

We also take a moment to talk about a really fun sponsored supplement in the rec room!  This week we're talking about Galifax's Guide to Everything Evil!  This is an AMAZING DMsGuild supplement that focuses on how to get the most out of your evil characters.  It's packed full of evil archetypes and backgrounds to fit every class and playstyle, as well as evil themed items, monsters, and even some tips on how to maintain civility at a table full of baddies.  Honestly I think anything that helps encourage good communication between players is a good thing so for that alone we are more than happy to recommend this guide.

It just released this past friday and can be found on DMsGuild here!

If you buy please leave them a nice review and tell them we sent you!

As always, if you have any ideas about how to improve or expand upon our creations we want to hear them!  Do you have any stories about your own near death experiences?  And what kind of spooky adventures are you running this month?  If you have something to share or if ideas for future episode topics please let us know about them!  We can be found on twitter @worldforgepod and via email at [email protected]!  If you're feeling particularly generous, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or your podcasting app of choice!  Leaving us a review or sharing our show with a friend are the best ways to support this podcast completely for FREE, and really helps to get our show in front of new listeners!

We of course want to thank you all for tuning in, and we also want to thank James Duke for our amazing theme music, he can be found at jamesduke.info! Talk to you again next week listeners!

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