This week on World Forge we jump into the world of science fiction! We're back talking about alien races, and how to ensure that your homebrewed creations are both interesting and unique. We talk about some of our favorite alien races from pop culture, and do our best to try to measure up.

We also spent some time in the rec room talking about some great sources of inspiration that we utilize when writing and telling science fiction stories of our own. Our first recommendations were to check out the soundtracks for Mass Effect and Stellaris, which are also both great examples of epic science fiction storytelling. We also would love it if you checked out the amazing introductory Dungeons and Dragons podcast Dungeon Support! Dungeon Support is full of great tips and tricks for new and veteran DMs, and can help make jumping into this crazy hobby a little less intimidating. They can be found on twitter @dungeonsupport, and on most major podcast platforms.

If you enjoyed this episode please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or your podcasting app of choice, it's a great way to support the show for free that helps promote our content and get us new listeners. We would also love to hear any feedback you have on twitter @worldforgepod or at [email protected]. We would be over the moon to see any fan art, fan fiction, or fan mail you have for us.

We also want to thank our amazing friend James Duke for our wonderful them music, he can be found at

Thanks for listening, and we'll be back next week!