Craig Loeber is Director of Growth for CommonGrounds Workplace where he is committed to serving others with an appreciation for the complex global challenges and opportunities we face in our interconnected and technologically accelerating world. Looking beyond the current headlines, Mike Petrusky asks Craig to explain the state of the "workplace as a service" industry and why he believes that the trends show flexible space will continue to be an essential part of Fortune 1500 real estate portfolios as strategic planning timelines are reduced. Craig and Mike discuss how technological advancements and culture changes have made coworking an important product that is part of an overall ecosystem that is adapting to the needs of modern organizations. They agree that the most valuable tech tools of the future will be those that enhance employee productivity and deliver frictionless experiences for the occupants of our facilities. Craig highlights the fact that talent attraction and retention is top of mind for executives today and the flexible workplace will allow leadership teams deliver options that meet the expectation of the workforce of the future. As always, Mike asks about music leading to an inspiring version of EDM podcast karaoke!

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