Andrea Sanchez is Executive Director of SparkStory, LLC where she offers consultation, coaching and training to individuals and organizations looking to develop their brand. In December 2018, Mike Petrusky joined Andrea in Houston to broadcast a live webinar called "What’s in it for Me? Addressing the People Side of Change". Mike and Andrea talked about the fact that change is never easy, especially in our rapidly advancing world of work, but with an understanding of people and by focusing on “The Why”, you can make the process better. Andrea shared her thoughts on our human nature, communication, and offered tips to get people on board to be supportive of change. For your condensed listening pleasure, here is an edit of the conversation that will help you to be a workplace innovator in your organization!

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Download the Full 1-Hour Webinar Recording with Mike & Andrea:

REGISTER for the Next iOFFICE Webinar - “The Ongoing Journey of Change in the Workplace”:

Listen to Andrea’s early appearance on the “FM Innovator Podcast”:

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