The biggest myth around starting a podcast is that you need to build a large following in order to be successful. Building an audience is part of the equation, but it is far from the greatest value driver of starting a podcast.

In this episode of the Working Without Pants Podcast, I describe why the number one value driver from podcasting is how it amplifies your ability to network with strategic partners, prospects, and influencers.

I discuss why it’s easier than you think to get high level guests on your podcast, and how these engagements lead to lasting relationships built on trust.

I also walk through the other reasons why starting a podcast is valuable, including how it positions you as an authority, leads to speaking opportunities, allows you to repurpose your material into other social content, and generates inbound leads.

If starting a podcast has ever been on your mind, this episode and the following episodes in this series are for you.


This episode is brought to you by Content Allies

Content Allies helps B2B companies launch revenue-generating podcasts. We set you up with weekly interviews with your ideal prospects and strategic partners. You show up and have engaging conversations, we handle EVERYTHING else. 

From show strategy and guest outreach, to audio production and podcast syndication. We do it all.

With packages starting at $3k per month, we make podcasting an ideal growth channel for you. 

Learn more and say hello at